Bike Tour 26.2 MILES

Start Time:
6:00 am

Start Location:
Olympic Legacy Bridge

Finish Location:
Library Square

Course time Limit:
2 Hours

Registration Fee

Nov. 4–Dec. 31

Jan. 1–Feb. 2

Feb. 3–Mar. 2

Mar. 3–Apr. 20

Apr. 21–Apr. 24

Apr. 25, 8pm MT

Online registration will remain open through the close of the expo. On-site registration is available at the Salt Lake City Marathon Quality of Life Expo on Friday, April 25, 2025 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. There is no on-site registration or packet pick-up on race day.

Bike Tour Information

Health & Safety

Aid Stations

Water will be available at the event start and finish lines. There will not be any aid stations along the course, so it is recommended that you carry your own refreshments.

Course Info

Timing and Speed

The Bike Tour is a non-competitive event, so there will be no official times given to participants. A timing clock will be near the finish line to show elapsed time. Participants must finish the 26.2-mile course within 1 Hour and 45 Minutes while maintaining an average speed of 15 mph. A maximum speed of 30 mph has been established by the Salt Lake City Police Department and will be enforced on the course by Bike Tour marshals.

Health & Safety

Medical Support

Representatives from the event’s medical and communication team will be stationed at each of 14 locations along the course to observe participants and assist with any medical injuries or emergencies.

SWAG & Such


Bike tour participants will receive the following:
• A premium tech t-shirt
• A finisher medal proudly highlighting your accomplishment
• “Check for bikes” window cling to promote safety for all cyclists
• Goody bag filled with gifts from our sponsors
• Gatorade, water, fruit, ice cream, and more at the finish line festival

Health & Safety

Portable Toilets

A large number of portable toilets will be available at the start and finish area and along the course near every aid station. Please DO NOT relieve yourself on either private or public property along the course.

Event Info


We recommend that you park or get dropped off at the Merrill Engineering Parking lot on the University of Utah Campus, at the corner of North Campus Drive and Wasatch Blvd. Ride only 1/2 mile south on Wasatch Drive to the start area.

Bike Tour Rules

  • Arrive at the ride on time and ready to ride. The start time means rolling out time, not arrival time.
  • Riders without bibs will not be allowed on the course. Security personnel and course marshals will be located at the start and throughout the course to remove riders without bibs.
  • Helmets are required for participation in the Bike Tour for safety reasons. Riders not wearing helmets will be asked to leave the course and will not be allowed to participate in the tour.
  • Show up prepared with any spares, tools or other items that you will need.
  • There will be no late starts.
  • Radios, Walkmans, and headphones are prohibited on the course.
  • No drafting.
  • Use caution on descending hills. Be sure to brake lightly and hold onto your handle bars securely.
  • Pass on the left side of a cyclist after yelling out, “On your left!”
  • Maintain an average speed of 15 mph in order to finish within the 1 hour and 45 minute time limit. If you are not able to maintain that pace, we recommend that you adjust your training schedule to hit this pace.
  • Riders will be expected to obey the laws of the road and use courtesy, caution and common sense.
  • Bike Tour course marshals will enforce the minimum speed and will disqualify participants who cannot finish the course in the allotted time.
  • A maximum speed of 30 mph has been established by the Salt Lake City Police Department.
  • Recumbent, mountain, tandem, electric-assist, cruiser, hand cycle and touring bikes are allowed on the course.

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